Why is a subject that is so easy to understand so difficult to do? Could it be that every time you think you have a handle on it, someone decides to throw in yet another conflicting idea? It's like having a car full of people and after deciding on a destination and the route to take, someone else persuades you to take another route because it's quicker, then another one throws in their penny's worth and say, "I'm bored now, this route is more scenic" and someone else, to make things worse, says "here, use my sat nav this will give you the shortest distance", when really, if you stuck to the original route, you would have arrived without any hiccups. The truth is no matter what you believe, every single person who has consumed the correct amount of calories that puts their body in a deficit is going to, in principal anyway, lose weight. It only begins to get complicated when you start to dissect the information and look at where the calories come from because by cutting calories, you are most definitely denying yourself required nutrition also.
If we buy into the notion that calorie control is the answer, (because it is ) why then do so many people find this impossible to do? I think everyone knows someone who has managed to lose a significant amount of weight simply by this process but then put it all back on again by reverting back to consuming more calories again. This very fact alone, must make you realise that it's the person and not the process which is the problem.

I have recently been in conversation with a very overweight female who has done just this. She was well on her way in her weight loss endeavour but then put it all back on, and some more. She is absolutely typical of the serial weight loser. If I were to place five different weight loss programmes in front of her, she would choose the ones not based on price, but on what she would be prepared to give up and choose the one she deems to be the easiest. Pardon me for using an old cliche, but if it was easy there would be no fat people on the planet. If you're searching for an easy solution I can tell you exactly what that is, it's sitting on the back on a unicorn! Yes you're right, it doesn't exist!
What is bizarre is, if I held in my hand the solution to permanent weight loss and the label on one said 'very difficult, but FREE' and another one that said '$1000 and easy'. I know for sure the FREE one would not be the most popular even though the $1000 programme is known not to work.
...To be continued
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